On The Job

On occasion, the greatness of one's feats can delay the progress of other tasks. This has unfortunately been the case for me over these last couple months, as I've honed my wizardry. I have been caught up in my own studies, too focused on spellcrafting to practice my skills with the camera. Had I thought of it, perhaps I could have rigged it to capture an image of myself summoning a great beast. Much to keep in mind for the future.

Only recently have I captured the forms of workers, although as my old master once said, it is always better late than never.

Ashley Dunn, an employee at the Lebanon Walmart, has been working here for the last 2 years. Outside of work, she likes to listen to Archspire.

Gracie Morgan is the Event Planner in LBCC's Student Leadership Council. She's been in the position for a month and a half, and loves how inclusive and open-minded all the people in the SLC are.

bonus round, an image of my dear familiar. aside from a full time job as my familiar, he also works full time as a cutie patootie


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